Please complete this form if you are interested in pursuing external funding (i.e. grants and contracts) for your research, service, or creative activities at UNG. Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) staff will use the information to perform funding opportunity searches – the more information you provide the better. Additional funding search resources can be found at Fill out the requested information as applicable to you. YOU MUST PROVIDE MORE THAN JUST KEYWORDS TO PRODUCE A MEANINGFUL SEARCH. UNG students interested in pursuing funding for their research and creative activity should contact the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (
What is your area of specialty within your discipline?
What kind of research or project do you need funds for? Make sure to include how your research can be applied. Include a project abstract if you have one.
Please provide an abstract of your project in jargon-free language understandable to a general audience.
What will be produced as a result of the project? This may be program creation or your research aims, etc. I.e., What do you hope to accomplish?
Include as many keywords as you like. Reference SPIN Keywords available at the link provided
Please provide the agency and program name(s) of any grant review panels you have served on.
Many professional organizations have grant programs that are only available to members - this helps OSP determine eligibility.