School and Background Information
The grade level(s) you teach in fall 2023: *
Is your school a UNG Professional Development Community (accepts UNG teaching candidates for pre-service internships)? *
Is your school Title 1? *
Do you currently hold any of the following? 1.) a Computer Science Teaching Endorsement, 2.) a passing score on GACE exam in Computer Science, or 3.) a special exemption to the endorsement/GACE due to extensive computer science industry experience?
Maximum of 250 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
All GenCyber AGENTs are expected to participate in the full program experience with dates/time commitments including: 40+ hours in person from June 2-6, 2025 in Dahlonega followed by online activities that vary by AGENT Team:
Gold Team – Review the AGENT Plan of Study (PDF)
Blue Team - Review the requirements on the AGENT website.
Please choose ONE of the following AGENTs Pathways: *
***Important Note*** Once applicants are accepted as an endorsed or unendorsed AGENTs, they cannot switch to the other. AGENTs participants must commit to either the full CS Endorsement pathway or the cyber-only pathway.
I understand that I cannot switch from the selected pathway (CS Endorsement OR cyber PD) once the program begins. *
If accepted to the program, would you need to stay on campus? AGENTs stay by themselves in Liberty Residence Hall (single occupancy). Off-campus housing is not available in 2024.
Each application requires a letter of recommendation and support from a supervisor (principal preferred) using your supervisor's official school email address. An email requesting the letter of recommendation will be automatically generated and sent to the email on record. Please instruct your administrators to look for this form and remind them about the deadline.
Your are responsible for ensuring that all required documentations are submitted to the AGENTs Initiative team by the deadline.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.